Faculty and Staff Directory

Sammie Morris
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Math
Departments: Mathematics
Amanda Mosley
Title: Academic Coordinator
Departments: Academic Affairs
Joseph Moss
Title: P/T Dental Mentor/Supervising Dentist
Departments: Allied Health
Luegina Mounfield
Title: Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs
Departments: Academic Affairs
Twanice Muldrow
Title: Counselor
Departments: TRiO Student Support Services
Dustin Munn
Title: Instructor, Part-Time EMT
Departments: Corporate and Workforce Development
Julie Munn
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Math
Departments: Mathematics
Michael Murley
Title: Adjunct Instructor, CWD
Departments: Corporate and Workforce Development
Stephen Murphey
Title: Program Manager, Caterpillar
Departments: Caterpillar Academy
Michael Myers
Title: Adjunct Instructor, CWD
Departments: Corporate and Workforce Development
Timothy Nardi
Title: Adjunct Instructor, CWD
Departments: Corporate and Workforce Development
Danielle Nelson
Title: Scanner
Departments: Registrar Services

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