Nursing students practice in a hospital like classroom


Program Type: Associate In Applied Science

Program Level: UG

Division: Nursing & Allied Health

Program Duration: 24 months

Program Contact: Dr. Michelle Baxley

Credit Requirement: 68

Time: Day

Program overview

The FDTC Associate Degree Nursing program prepares students for this performance profession requiring intellectual, interpersonal and psychomotor skills that are based upon biological, behavioral and humanistic principles. Graduates of the Associate Degree Nursing program are prepared to work in a variety of settings including hospitals, clinics and outpatient centers. Upon completion of the program, the student is eligible for an Associate Degree in Applied Science and may apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nursing Practice (NCLEX-RN).

Courses Required


Anatomy And Physiology I

Course Code: BIO-210

This is the first in a sequence of courses, including an intensive coverage of the body as an integrated whole. All body systems are studied. Body systems included are integumentary, skeletal muscular, and nervous. Other topics include anatomical terms, biochemistry, cellular structure, cellular division, tissues and tissue inflammation.

Anatomy And Physiology II

Course Code: BIO-211

This is a continuation of a sequence of courses, including intensive coverage of the body as an integrated whole. All body systems are studied. Body systems included are cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, endocrine, digestive, urinary, and reproductive. Other topics include fluid and electrolyte balance, genetics, and embryology.

English Composition I

Course Code: ENG-101

This is a (College Transfer) course in which the following topics are presented: A study of composition in conjunction with appropriate literary selections, with frequent theme assignments to reinforce effective writing. A review of standard usage and the basic techniques of research are also presented.

College Algebra

Course Code: MAT-110

This course includes the following topics: polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions; inequalities; systems of equations and inequalities; matrices; determinants; and solutions of higher degree polynomials.

Semester 1


Course Code: BIO-225

This is a detailed study of microbiology as it relates to infection and the disease processes of the body. Topics include immunity, epidemiology, medically important microorganisms, and diagnostic procedures for identification.

Pharmacology For Nurses

Course Code: NUR-105

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of pharmacology related to drug administration.

Beginning Nursing Skills

Course Code: NUR-134

This course is a study of beginning nursing skills. The course prepares the student to assist in patient care and function as an efficient member of the nursing team.

Semester 2

Pharmacologic Basics In Nursing Practice

Course Code: NUR-106

This introductory course outlines the basic concepts of pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics. The process of clinical calculations is introduced, as well as the major drug classifications.

Nursing Concepts & Clinical Practice I

Course Code: NUR-165

This course covers applications of critical thinking skills and nursing concepts in the care of adult clients with selected health problems in a variety of settings.

General Psychology

Course Code: PSY-201

This course includes the following topics and concepts in the science of behavior: scientific method, biological bases for behavior, perception, motivation, learning memory, development, personality, abnormal behavior, therapeutic techniques, and social psychology.

Semester 3

Health Promo/Risk Reduc-Maternal/Child

Course Code: NUR-241

This course is a study of the role of the nurse in providing and directing care that incorporates stages of reproduction and newborn care while addressing health promotion and risk reduction.

Nursing Concepts & Clinical Practice II

Course Code: NUR-265

This course is a continuation of the application of critical thinking skills and nursing concepts in the care of adult clients with selected health problems in a variety of settings.

Semester 4

Health Promo/Risk Reduction-Children

Course Code: NUR-243

This course is a study of the role of the nurse in

Nursing Concepts & Clinical Practice II

Course Code: NUR-266

This course covers applications of critical thinking skills and nursinga concepts in the care of adult clients with selected health problems in a variety of settings. The course includes a study of the management of small groups.

Semester 5

Mental Health Nursing Concepts

Course Code: NUR-239

This course is a study of the role of the nurse in providing and directing care that promotes and supports the emotional, mental, and social well-being of the client experiencing altered mental health.

Nursing Concepts & Clinical Practice Iv

Course Code: NUR-267

This course is a continuation of the application of critical thinking skills and nursing concepts in the care of clients with complex, multi-system health problems in a variety of settings. This course covers concepts of leadership, management, and professional role development.

Entry Requirements

To see a list of entrance requirements for this program, please check the FDTC Course Catalog.

Download Catalog

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  • Patient-Centered Care/Safety - Coordinate safe and effective care respecting patients’ preferences, values, age,
    culture, and needs to promote optimum patient outcomes.
  • Ethical/Integrity - Demonstrate professional, ethical, and legal behaviors consistent with the standards of practice
    and regulatory frameworks of the registered professional nurse.
  • Health Informatics - Utilize clinical technology to coordinate and support clinical decision-making in the provision
    of patient centered care.
  • Evidence-Based Practice - Formulate nursing practice decisions utilizing scientific research and evidence-based
    protocols to incorporate into the care of patients and families.
  • Clinical Judgement - Integrate judgments in practice, substantiated with evidence, in the provision of safe care to
    promote the health of patients and families.
  • Collaboration & Teamwork - Collaborate with interprofessional team members, patients, and their support
    systems to achieve improved health outcomes.
  • Leadership - Integrate concepts of current organizational and systems leadership to coordinate quality patient
    centered care.

Program Accreditations & Resources

Accreditation Status
Year of Initial Accreditation: December 1975
Last Evaluation Visit: March 8-10, 2022
Most Recent Action: September 2022
Next Evaluation Visit: Spring 2030
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing

The ADN Nursing program at Florence-Darlington Technical College is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing  (ACEN).


3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Phone: 404.975.5000
Fax: 404.975.5020


South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensure, & Registration State Board of Nursing

This program has full approval by the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensure, & Registration State Board of Nursing.

Labor licensing regulations logo
Business Park; Kingstree Building
110 Centerview Drive; Suite 202
Columbia, SC 29210


What do I need to complete the application to enter the ADN nursing program?

  1. BIO 210, BIO 211, ENG 101, MAT 110 with a C or Higher
  2. TEAS test with Proficient level scores: Overall 65.7%, Reading 69.0%, Science 55%; Math 65%; English and Language 64%
  3. GPA 2.75 or higher

How many times can I take the TEAS test and how long are the scores valid?

The TEAS test can be taken up to four times within a year with a 30-day waiting period between each attempt.  The results are valid for 4 years.

Learn More About TEAS

How old can BIO's be at the time of applying?

BIO classes cannot be older than 5 years old at the time of submitting an application.

How do I complete the Career Talk that is required for the Nursing Program?

You are required to attend a Career Talk in person prior to applying to program. Dates will be listed in the FDTC website calendar, our Visix screens on all of our campuses, and on social media.