Campus Safety

Florence-Darlington Technical College's Campus Safety Department provides a 24-hour-a-day, year-round security and safety program.

Members of the department are under the guidance and control of the Director of Facilities. Officers work eight-hour shifts to perform their duties, which include:

  • Preventative patrol of grounds and buildings
  • Emergency medical assistance
  • Incident investigation and reporting
  • Hazard control
  • Crime prevention
  • Parking and traffic management
  • Special services include lockout assistance, noise and nuisance control, security escorts, lost and found, and any other needs associated with the quality of life, safety, and security of those on campus.

Members of the department have portable radios and are centrally dispatched by control operators in the Campus Safety Building who monitor emergency and normal telephone lines as well as fire and security alarm panels. 

The Campus Security Department is a private security force empowered by the college to enforce its rules, regulations, and policies. Enforcement procedures include issuing parking tickets, issuing summary fines, filing conduct charges, and citizen's arrests. They work closely with federal, state, county, and local authorities in the investigation and prosecution of crimes and in fire, safety, and health-related issues.

Emergency Numbers


Then alert Campus Security:

Main Campus: 843.661.8210 or ext. 8210
SiMT: 843.413.2810 or ext. 2810
Health Science Campus: 843.676.8510 or ext. 8510

For non-emergencies contact your campus security office directly or if you are at the Hartsville, Lake City, or Mullins Campuses, please use the non-emergency police department number below.

Hartsville Police Department: 843.383.3037
Lake City Police Department: 843.374.5411
Mullins Police Department: 843.464.0707

Receive Alerts & Notifications

Florence-Darlington Technical College’s Emergency Alert System (EAS) is called FDTC Alerts. The college has adopted this system to communicate vital information to academic credit students, faculty/staff, and the public as efficiently as possible of potential events on campus.

Learn More

A graphic with the words Alerts & Notifications

Additional Information 

Student Parking

Every vehicle brought on campus is required to have either a parking decal or temporary permit. Students are permitted to park in the areas designated as Student Parking only. Students who park in areas outside of their assigned area will be cited with a parking violation and fined.

Parking Decals

  • Student vehicles may be registered during Orientation/Registration days at the station set up for that purpose. After classes begin, students may obtain their parking decals from Security at the Guard Station located at the Main entrance to the campus, the Security Office (Room 116) at the SIMT Bldg., the Security Office at Health Sciences Campus (Monday to Friday during normal hours of operation).
  • Parking decals/stickers must be clearly visible from the outside rear, and must be permanently displayed on the left rear bumper or bottom left corner of rear glass of the cars.

Temporary Parking Permits

Students who must drive an alternate vehicle (not registered with FDTC) onto the FDTC campus are required to obtain a temporary parking permit (valid for up to 10 days) from Security at the Guard Station located at the Main entrance to the campus, the Security Office (Room 116) at the SIMT Bldg., the Security Office at Health Sciences Campus (Monday to Friday during normal hours of operation) prior to parking their vehicles on campus.

Parking Appeals

Appeal forms can be obtained from Physical Facilities and Security at the Guard Station located at the Main entrance to the campus, the Security Office (Room 116) at the SIMT Bldg., the Security Office at Health Sciences Campus (Monday to Friday during normal hours of operation). Send completed Appeal Form to Director of Physical Facilities (Shipping and Receiving building). Even though an appeal is pending, the ticket must be paid within five (5) working days or the pending fine will double. Reimbursement will be made by the Business Office if the appeal is upheld.

FDTC Emergency Response Guide

What to do in case of emergency can be most easily accessed in the FDTC Emegrency Response Guide. The Standard Response Protocol is outlined here. Please review and be prepared to act in an emergency.

Report a Crime or Incident

If you or someone else is in an emergency or life-threatening situation, call 911 immediately!

Students, employees and visitors are required to immediately report any criminal activities, crimes or emergencies to the Main Campus Security Office.  The Security Office can be contacted by campus phone at ext. 8210 (Main Campus), 8510 (Health Sciences Campus), or 2510 (SiMT). 


The possession or use on campus of any firearm or other dangerous weapon or incendiary device or explosive, unless such possession or use has been authorized by the college, is prohibited and punishable.  See the FDTC Student Handbook

Active Shooter Information

Click here to learn how to recognize signs of potential violence around you, and what to expect after an active shooting takes place. Download this flyer for information about how to be prepared for an active shooter and stay safe.

Student Right-To-Know & Cleary Act Disclosure

Public Law 101-542 as amended by Public Law 102-26, the Higher Education Amendments of 1991 is known as the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act. This Act requires institutions to produce and make readily available to current students, and to each prospective student enrolling or entering into any financial obligation, the completion or graduation rate of certificate or degree-seeking full-time undergraduate students entering the institution. Each institution will also publish and distribute crime statistics.

Student Right to Know and Cleary Act Disclosure

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

On October 28, 2000, Congress adopted the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, which amended the Wetterling Act to require registered sex offenders to notify the state of each institution of higher education at which the offender is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. The registered offenders also must notify the state of any change in enrollment or employment status.