Welcome and thank you for visiting the Purchasing Department.
As a custodian of public funds, the operating premise of the Purchasing Department is integrity and professionalism.
- State term contracts for good and services
procurement.sc.gov/contracts/search?b+9919-0-0 - State term contracts for information technology materials and services
procurement.sc.gov/contracts/search?b=9918-0-0 - South Carolina Business Opportunities Online Publication
Please email any questions to Sierra Flynn, Purchasing Manager at purchasing@fdtc.edu.
Agency Certification
Florence-Darlington Technical College has authority to make direct procurements subject to the compliance with the Consolidated Procurement Code within the certification limits listed below:
- Supplies and Services - $50,000 per commitment
- Information Technology - $50,000 per commitment
- Construction Contract Award - $50,000 per commitment
- Construction Contract Change Order - $ 25,000 per change order
- Architect/Engineer Contract Amendment - $5,000 per amendment
*Total potential purchase commitment whether single year or multi-term contracts are used.
SFAA Certification
The individuals listed below are authorized to sign contracts on behalf of Florence-Darlington Technical College:
- Jermaine Ford, President
- Debbie Cheek, VP of Finance & Administration
- Sierra Flynn, Purchasing Manager
There are no active solicitations at this time.