Our Find page is where you can find resources that will help you succeed in your program of study. From here you can search eDatabases, eBooks, eJournals, research guides, and other popular resources. Click here for Quick Search.
A-Z Databases - This page contains a wide variety of databases, collections, and eJournals some of which are not included in our other collections below.
Anatomy.TV - includes a wide range of anatomy for every body region and specialized titles that focus on muscle function, injuries, and more, providing over 6,500 3D anatomical structures, clinical slides, dissections, illustrations, animations, and more.
Films on Demand - A source for free technical education and skilled trades videos.
Follett Shelf - This digital e-book collection includes animated talking picture books, chapter books, and award-winning medal titles. The collection supports our Early Childhood program.
Library Faculty Lounge - This guide is designed to assist users in locating resources in the FDTC Library. The FDTC Library is 99% electronic, giving you access to electronic resources 24/7.
Lippincott Advisor - A trusted, single-source, cloud-based solution of E-resources that includes thousands of clinical topics and the latest evidence, guidelines, and best practice information supporting our Allied Health programs.
Mometrix - Mometrix eLibrary is a robust database of test preparation materials for more than 1,800 exams covering 16 different subject areas, including nursing-(NCLEX-PN, RN, and TEAS), teaching, construction, social work, finance, med-tech, and law. This site contains the TEAS practice tests.
OER Textbook Portal - designed to assist faculty in finding and selecting open and affordable course materials. By leveraging free available materials and low-cost library-licensed resources, faculty can transform their courses and reduce the cost burden for students.
Research Guides - A collection of research guides dedicated to specific FDTC courses.
Swank Video Collection - A Collection of 55 streaming movie titles.
eBook Collections
The following links are to digital book collections for our student's use.
eJournal Collections
The library is pleased to provide full-text online access to several of the journals and newspapers included in this serial holdings. If you are prompted for a username and/or password or need assistance, please contact library staff for assistance.
Flipster - Access to digital magazines from top publishers including National Geographic, Condé Nast, Meredith, Bloomberg L.P., and more.
NewsBank - Contains links to archives of Morning News, The Hartsville Messenger, The State, SC news sources, USA news sources, USA magazines, a history of Black Life in America, and more.
Dental Assistant - Contact for access
Facts & Findings - Contact for access
JADA - Journal of the American Dental Association
JOMI - Create an account using your FDTC email/password. Works with Chrome browser only.
Serial Holdings
The library is pleased to provide full-text online access to several of the journals included in this serial holdings. If you are prompted for a username and/or password or need assistance, please contact library staff.
A Title Holdings Subject Location ABA JOURNAL Current issue only-Print Paralegal WELLMAN LIBRARY AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING & REFRIGERATION NEWS Current issue only-Print Heating, Piping, & AC HVAC AMERICAN HISTORY Online History FLIPSTER AMERICAN SCIENTIST Online Science & Technology FLIPSTER APPLIED RADIOLOGY Current year only-Print Radiology HSC/ONLINE B Title Holdings Subject Location C Title Holdings Subject Location CANADIAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY THERAPY Current year only Respiratory Therapy HSC CAR & DRIVER Current year only Automotive FLIPSTER CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION Online and Print Education WELLMAN/ONLINE CIVIL WAR TIMES Online History FLIPSTER CONSUMER REPORTS Online Business FLIPSTER CONSUMER REPORTS BUYING GUIDE Online Business FLIPSTER D Title Holdings Subject Location DENTAL ASSISTANT Current year only Dental ONLINE DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Current year only Radiology ONLINE E Title Holdings Subject Location EDUCAUSE REVIEW Current year only Sociology ONLINE ENR Current issue only Engineering WELLMAN/ONLINE ESQUIRE Online Fashion FLIPSTER ESSENCE Current year only Entertainment FLIPSTER F FORBES Online Business FLIPSTER Title Holdings Subject Location FACTS & FINDING Current issue only Paralegal WELLMAN/ONLINE G Title Holdings Subject Location H Title Holdings Subject Location HEATING, PIPING, AND AIR CONDITIONING ENGINEERING I Title Holdings Subject Location INSTITUE OF PHYSICS ELECTRONIC JOURNALS Current year only Industrial/Elect. ONLINE J Title Holdings Subject Location JADA - JL. OF AM. DENTAL ASSN. Current year only Dental HSC/ONLINE JOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS Current issue only Psychology WELLMAN/ONLINE JOURNAL OF CARDIOPULMONARY REHAB AND PREVENTION Current year only-Print Respiratory HSC JOURNAL OF WORLD HISTORY Current issue only-Print History WELLMAN K KIPLINGER PERSONAL FINANCE Online Business FLIPSTER Title Holdings Subject Location L Title Holdings Subject Location LABORATORY MEDICINE Current year only Medical Lab Tech HSC/ONLINE LIBRARY JOURNAL Current issue only-Print Lib & Info Services WELLMAN/ONLINE LIBRARY JOURNAL BOOKSHELF Current year only Lib & Info Services ONLINE M Title Holdings Subject Location MACHINE DESIGN Current issue only Machine Tool Tech WELLMAN MAILBOX PRESCHOOL ED Current year only Early Childhood ONLINE MCN Current year only-Print Nursing HSC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Current issue only Engineering Mechanical WELLMAN/ONLNE MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW Current issue only IST WELLMAN/ONLINE MOTOR AGE Current issue only Auto & Diesel Tech AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR TREND Online Automotive FLIPSTER N Title Holdings Subject Location NAILPRO Current issue only-Print Cosmetology COSMETOLOGY NAILS MAGAZINE Current issue only-Print Cosmetology COMETOLOGY National Paralegal Reporter current Issue only-Print Paralegal Wellman NBEA Current issue only-Print Business Admin WELLMAN NATION Online FLIPSTER NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Current year only Science ONLINE NATIONAL PARALEGAL REPORTER Current issue only-Print Paralegal WELLMAN NEW REPUBLIC Online Business/Political Science FLIPSTER O Title Holdings Subject Location OVID NURSING EJOURNAL - Access to 60 Nursing Journals Current year only Nursing ONLINE P TITLE Holdings Subject Location PEOPLE Current year only Miscellaneous FLIPSTER PHYSICAL THERAPY Current year only Physical Therapy HSC/ONLINE POLICE CHIEF Current issue only Criminal Justice Tech WELLMAN/ONLINE POPULAR WOODWORKING Current issue only Construction STAFF PT IN MOTION Current year only Physical Therapy HSC Q Title Holdings Subject Location R Title Holdings Subject Location RDH - THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE Current year only Dental HSC/ONLINE RESPIRATORY CARE Current year only Respiratory Therapy HSC/ONLINE RADIOLOGY TECHNOLOGY Current year only Radiology Technology HSC/ONLINE ROLLING STONE Current year only Entertainment FLIPSTER S Title Holdings Subject Location SCIENCE NEWS Current year only Science Wellman SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Current year only Science ONLINE SOUTH CAROLINA LAWYER Current issue only-Print Paralegal WELLMAN SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Online Sports FLIPSTER STRATEGIC LIBRARY Current year only Education ONLINE T Title Holdings Subject Location TEACHING AND LEARNING IN NURSING Current year only-Print Nursing HSC TEACHING YOUNG CHILDREN Current issue only-Print Early Childhood CDC TIME Current year only News & Politics FLIPSTER U Title Holdings Subject Location V Title Holdings Subject Location VANITY FAIR Online Miscellaneous FLIPSTER VOGUE Online Lifestyle: Fashion FLIPSTER W Title Holdings Subject Location WEEK, THE FLIPSTER Welding Journal Current issue only-Print Welding WELDING DEPT WOOD MAGAZINE Current issue only-Print Construction STAFF WOODSMITH MAGAZINE Current issue only-Print Construction STAFF Y Title Holdings Subject Location YC YOUNG CHILDREN Online Early Care Program FLIPSTER - Popular Tools
Still have questions? Contact Us!

Wellman, Inc. Library
FDTC Main Campus
Building 200
Room 207 & 208
Segars Library
Health-Science Campus
2nd Floor, Room F211

Library Hours
Wellman, Inc. Library
M - Th: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
F: 8:00 am - 11:30 am
Segars Library
M, W: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
T, Th: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Digital Collection 24/7