Math Hub
The Mathematics and Technology Hub offers students math tutoring, testing, and classroom instruction.
For no additional charge, FDTC students currently enrolled in a math course receive in-person help in the Math Hub with MyMathLab, MyStatLab, ALEKS, math topics, graphing calculators, and math homework. Tutoring services are held in Room 7106.
The FDTC Math Hub offers in-person testing as well as workstations for those using Honorlock.
- All testing stations will be provided in room 7107 (enter through 7106) in the FDTC Math Hub on the main campus.
- All testing is first come, first served.
- Students must present a valid school- or government-issued photo ID prior to testing.
- Students must arrive at least one hour prior to the close of the Testing Room.
- Students will be allowed to check out a calculator.
- No programs are allowed on calculators for MAT 101, 102, and 155.
- Students will be provided with scratch paper.
- Students will be provided with the appropriate formula sheet.
- Students must bring their own writing utensils.
- Students will not be allowed to leave the computer once their test has began.
You must arrive at least one hour prior to the Math Hub closing in order to start a test.
Classroom Instruction
FDTC offers some courses in a blended format. This is not the traditional lecture math course that most students have always experienced. Instead, students follow a schedule of requirements and work individually on a computer in order to actively learn. Each student has the opportunity to watch videos, look at worked-out sample problems, work math problems, receive immediate feedback, and take tests --- all on the computer.
In Hub classes, the student attends scheduled lectures and labs (called hubs) each week. Lectures are delivered by an instructor. During Hub time, both the instructor and tutors assist students with their work.
For many students, working outside of class time allows them to work through the material faster than expected. Many are able to successfully complete the course early. In Hub classes, the student is then given the opportunity to accelerate to the next course during that same semester.
Still have questions? Contact Us!

Office Location
FDTC Main Campus
Building 7000

Hours of Operation
M - Tues: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wed - Th: 9:30am - 8:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 11:30am (Tutoring Only)
Sunday: 4:30pm - 8:30pm