Faculty and Staff Directory

Helen Deans
Title: P/T Business Office Cashier
Departments: Business Office
Sammie Deas
Title: Bus Driver
Departments: Athletics
Karla Dennis
Title: Adjunct Instructor, Art
Departments: Humanities
Emery DeWitt
Title: Project Coordinator, ATE
Departments: SCATE
Gary Dicks
Title: Instructor, Part-Time Fire and Rescue
Departments: Corporate and Workforce Development
Gregory Diehl
Title: Instructor, Civil Engineering Technology
Departments: Engineering Technologies
Russell Diggs
Title: Adjunct Instructor, CWD
Departments: Corporate and Workforce Development
James Dinger
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Electrical
Departments: Machine Tool Technology
Delores Dingle
Title: Assistant Registrar
Departments: Registrar Services
Terry Dingle
Title: Vice President of HR & Organizational Development
Departments: Human Resources
Douglas Dobbins
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Speech
Departments: Humanities
Samantha Dukes
Title: Instructor, Adjunct Human Services/Psychology
Departments: Psychology & Human Services

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