Student Loans

Loans are borrowed money; you must repay student loans with interest.

Student Loan Default Prevention Program

FDTC has a Loan Default Prevention Plan.  This means that the College may refuse to certify a loan.  Each loan application is reviewed individually to determine the student's eligibility.  Examples of conditions where a loan application may not be certified include, but are not limited to:  total student loan indebtedness, failure to meet satisfactory academic progress, enrollment status, and previous defaulted student loan(s). However, if the student's loan is denied the student may submit an appeal with appropriate documentation to the Director of Financial Aid.

All certificate and diploma programs that are less than two years will be limited to grade level one school certifications.  The maximum grade level for all Diploma programs that are at least 2 -years and Associate Degree programs are limited to grade level 2 statuses.   

A denial from the Director of Financial Aid for any reason may be appealed to FDTC's Appeals Committee.  The decision of this committee is final and may not be appealed.

Federal Stafford Loans


Federal Stafford Loan Information
Facts:  Requirements:
  • Self-help aid (must be repaid)
  • Repayment begins six months after the student graduates or ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time basis.
  • Rate of interest is fixed at 5.498% for both subsidized and unsubsidized loans for the 2023/2024 school year.
  • Offers subsidized** or unsubsidized*** loans.  (One can receive both loans for the same enrollment period. The total subsidized loan cannot exceed a yearly amount of $3,500 for first year students and $4,500 for second year students. The total unsubsidized loan cannot exceed a yearly amount of $2,000 for dependent students and $6,000 for independent students.)
  • Federal Stafford Loan Exit Counseling must be completed after the student graduates or withdraws from the college.
  • All loans will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.
A student must...
  • Be a U.S. citizen, or eligible non-citizen.
  • Be enrolled at least 6 credit hours in an eligible program.  (If you are enrolled at least 6 credit hours per semester, you will receive the total amount of your loan awarded each semester.)
  • Make Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • NOT be in default on other student loans.
  • Complete:
Federal Parent Loans (PLUS)

PLUS Loan InformationFacts:Requirements:

  • Loan program (must be repaid) for parents of dependent students.
  • Repayment begins within 60 days of the disbursement and the minimum monthly payment is $50 to $60 for each loan.
  • Offers up to $4,000 annually
  • Rate of interest is variable and by law, will never exceed 9 percent.  Interest rate is 8.048% for the 2023/2024 school year.
  • NOT based on financial need.
  • Application are available at Federal Direct Lending.
  • See Student Loan Default Prevention Program below.
  • All loans will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.

A student must...

  • Be enrolled at least 6 credit hours in an eligible program.  (If you are enrolled at least 6 credit hours per semester, you will receive the total amount of your loan awarded each semester.)
  • Complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

A parent must...

  • Possess good credit rating.
  • Complete a PLUS Loan Application located at FDTC Central



At Florence-Darlington Technical College, we understand that student loans can be intimidating. That’s why we have partnered with Ascendium to provide you with free assistance on your student loan obligations to ensure you feel comfortable and can be successful in your loan repayment.

Ascendium may be calling to help you with the next steps in your repayment journey. Their friendly counselors are there to help you every step of the way. While you are in your grace period, they might reach out to you to answer questions you may have on your repayment options. If you become delinquent on your loans, they may also contact you to help find a solution that works within your means.

The Ascendium counselors are there to help you with every step by staying in touch with you via phone calls, letters, and/or emails. They will not be collecting money from you. Ascendium’s nonprofit purpose is to help you find answers to your questions and solutions to your issues. 

Visit GradReady for Financial Literacy Assistance

FDTC Loan Data

FDTC 2021 Cohort Loan Default Rate is 0.0

National 2021 Cohort Loan Default Rate is 0.0

12% of FDTC students borrowed a federal student loan during the 2024/2025 school year

Still have questions? Contact Us!

Office Location

FDTC Main Campus
Building 5000
3rd Floor, Room 5302


Phone: 843.661.8085
Fax: 843.661.8122