Educational Foundation


The Florence-Darlington Technical College Educational Foundation was established in 1978.  The mission of the Educational Foundation is to support the College with student scholarships and learning resources in its efforts to provide technical education that promotes workforce development in our region.

The Foundation aides the College’s mission through philanthropic support, community engagement, and business relationships.

We are a tax exempt 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization as classified by the Internal Revenue Service.  Contributions to the Florence-Darlington Technical College Educational Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. 

The Foundation’s EIN is 57-0679802

Donate Today

Create Success Stories with us

“When I was a first-year welding student I was so excited to be in the program.  I worked hard and saved money to pay for tuition and my books.  But in my first week here at the College, someone stole my book so I thought my welding career was over.  Then someone suggested I go to the Foundation and see if they can help.  Fortunately, they were able to help me out and I was able to replace the book and finish my program.  Today, I am proud to say that I am the head of the Welding program at FDTC!”  



The Educational Foundation supports FDTC and its students through the donations that you give. We have a number of areas in which you can choose to give that each have a large impact on student success and workforce development.

Area of Greatest Need

Designating your gift to the area of greatest need allows FDTC the flexibility to use the funds to support the most significant challenges facing the college. This could be a scholarship, program, building, or any other area.

Building Fund

As FDTC grows, our buildings will need to grow and evolve with us.  Buildings are expensive, yet important to our students and faculty needs. A donation to the building fund helps us to construct new facilities or upgrade existing ones, to create a better learning environment for our students.

Emergency Fund

There are many financial challenges that can derail a student on track to a brighter future.  A gift to the emergency fund allows us a way to help students stay in school and focus on their education rather than letting their "emergency" stop their progress toward their career goals.  


Employers across the region look to us to help provide them with quality employees. Giving to a specific program can help us to remain relevant to our local employers' needs and provide technology that is innovative in developing both our existing programs and new programs down the line. 


Scholarships are the best way to support students who have funding gaps in their education. A contribution towards scholarships can help close gaps between state scholarships and the balance of a student's tuition, books, and supplies.

Additional Information

A photograph of a conference table.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors for the Foundation is composed of up to 23 individuals who are prominent in our community's business, industrial, professional, and civic affairs.

Meet Our Board

A group of students study in front of the college book store.

Student Scholarships

Students who are in need of additional scholarship funding must first fill out an application for an FDTC Educational Foundation Scholarship.

Learn More

People on the dance floor at the Legacy Ball.

Legacy Ball

By supporting the Legacy Ball, you are helping create a legacy for our students, our faculty, our community, and generations to come.  There are different ways you can make a difference and join the fun at the same time.

Support a Legacy

A FDTC Alumni smiles for the camera


We are dreaming of an alumni association that is great in numbers and rich in experience.  Whether you attended one semester or got your associate's degree, you are family.  We want to meet you!  Membership is free!

Join the SWARM

Contact us for more information

Sheryl Love

Executive Director, Educational Foundation

Teresa Allen

Educational Foundation Coordinator

sheryl-love. teresa-allen.