Policies and Procedures

The below is a list of Florence-Darlington Technical College's Policies and Procedures.

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Area Commission


30-02 Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)

30-03 Classified and Unclassified Employment Compensation

30-04.1 Faculty Responsibilities

30-04.3 Notification of Employment Status

30-04.4 Faculty Non-work Days

30-04.5 Employment Practices Hiring

30-04.6 Faculty Senate

30-04.7 Personal Benefit from Projects

30-04.8 Faculty Performance Management System (FPMS)

30-04.9 English Fluency Requirements for Faculty Employment

30-05 Employee Development

30-06 Temporary Employment

30-07 Evaluation.Performance Appraisals

30-08 Information Retention Disposition

30-09 Employment Benefits

30-10 Paycheck Distribution

30-13 Honorariums and Gratuities

30-14 Solicitation and Distribution

30-15 Political Activity

30-16 Personnel Files

30-17 Hazardous Weather and Emergency Leave

30-18 Grievance and Appeal

30-19 Exit Interview

30-20 Labor Laws

30-21 Reduction in Force

30-22 Compensation Plan for Classified Employees

30-23 Ethics Requirements for Employees

30-24 Children on Campus

30-25 Sexual Harrassment

30-26 Disciplinary Action

30-27     Affirmative Action Policy Statement

30-28 Secondary State Employment

30-29 Dress Code

30-30 Position Descriptions

30-31 Teaching Load and Overload

30-32 Hours of Work, Non-Work, and Overtime Compensation

30-33 Personnel Payroll Deductions

30-35 Employee Leave Transfer Program

30-36 Drug Free Work Place

30-37 Compensation for Temporary (Adjunct) Faculty

30-38 Use of Human Subjects in Research Projects

30-40 Volunteer Blood Drive Participation

30-42 Criminal Background Check


31-03 Compensation Plan for Unclassified Vice President Positions

31-04 Compensation Plan for Unclassified Faculty Personnel

31-04.1 Minimum Training and Experience Requirements for

31-04.4 Faculty Non-Work Days and Bonus Days

31-05 Faculty Schedule

31-06 Faculty Class Tardiness

31-07 Commencement Participation

31-09 Absence of Instructors

31-11.1 Temporary Employment Agreements

31-12 Faculty Senate

31-13 Employment Practices Hiring

31-14.1 Faculty Review

Academic Affairs
Student Services


60-01     Grants for Federal, State, Local and other Funding Sources

60-02 Authorization to Accept Gifts

60-21     College Mail Service

60-36     Community Relations Program

60-37     Institutional Relationship

60-38     Civic Organizations

60-39     Public Visitation

60-40 Use of College Facilities External Use

60-41     Sale of Advertising

60-42     Money Raising Drives

60-43     Copyrights

60-61     Publications

60-81 Florence-Darlington Technical College Educational Foundation

60-82     Alumni Association

Business Affairs


70-01     Business Affairs: Presidential Responsibility

70-02     Deferral of Fees for Courses Taken at Florence-Darlington Tech

70-03     Uniformity of Records and Accounts

70-04 Periodic Audits and Management Analysis

70-05     Receipt and Deposit of Funds

70-06     Auxiliary Enterprises and Undesignated Gifts Funds

70-07     Investment of Surplus Funds

70-08 Execution of the Budget

70-09     Authorized Signatures for Depository

70-10     Returned Checks

70-11 Preparation of the Budget

70-12     Write-Off Bad Debts

70-13     Expenditure of Funds Derived from Earnings of Auxiliary Enterprises

70-14     Conservation of College Office Supplies

70-15     Disclaim of Liability

70-17     Educational Fee Waivers

70-18     Reimbursement for Travel

70-19     Reimbursement for Relocation Expenses

70-20     Student Fee Structure

70-21     Employee Quality Assurance Activities

70-23     Identity Theft Red Flag Identification and Prevention Policy

70-25     Governing Policy for Auxiliary Services

70-26     College Bookstore

70-30     Customer Property Liability

70-31     Contractual Agreements

70-32     Purchasing

70-40     Housekeeping

70-41     Keys

70-42     Security of Plant Facilities

70-43     Traffic Regulations

70-44     Parking

70-45     Emergency Evacuation

70-46 Smoking

70-47 Emergency Assistance

70-48     Civil Disturbance

70-50     Maintenance Requests 


71-07 Budget Planning


Pursuant to section 41-1-110 of the code of laws of South Carolina, as amended, the language used in the Florence-Darlington Technical College policy and procedure manual, handbook, and other relevant documents does not create an employment contract between the employee and the College. The policy and procedure manual, handbook, and other relevant documents do not create any contractual rights or entitlements. The College reserves the right to revise the content of the policy and procedure manual, handbook, and other relevant documents, in whole or in part. No promises or assurances, whether written or oral, which are contrary to or inconsistent with the terms of this paragraph create any contract of employment. By clicking on the Online Policy and Procedure Manual chapters, you affirm that you understand this disclaimer.